Sports day

In the first term our boys participate in a Sports Day whereby
participation, enjoyment and a display of their physical development is demonstrated.
Our ECD parents are important participants in this event!
Every third term our boys participate
in our Splash and Smile Gala.
Every child has an opportunity to dive, jump, swim or padel – and most importantly have fun in a safe environment and develop a love of the water.

Tag Rugby

Grade 0 boys have the wonderful opportunity
each year to play Tag Rugby.
Their skills are demonstrated in a Tag Tournament in the second term, and we have the privilege of the College boys playing our curtain raiser game.
Every year we end off with
a Christmas Cheer Concert.
The boys delight being on stage and supported by their families in the crowd. Our music and creative aspect to our curriculum is shown through their ability to learn songs, do actions, and show their confidence in front of an audience.
